Good afternoon, I am developing a javascript code execution environment based on the Deno Workers. I also have a Oak web server that handles requests for code change in a script and the compilation and execution of these.
The problem begins when I request the execution of a script (for example console.log ()) and later I modify said code, when trying to execute this script again, Deno executes the Worker before the change, and only considers the change once I restart the Oak server.
export class Runner {
private task: Task;
constructor(task: Task) {
this.task = task;
async run() {
new Worker(
new URL(await joinPath(`tasks/${}/output.js`), import.meta.url).href,
{ type: "module" }
The Runner class is in charge of initializing the Worker, for each execution request a new instance of Runner is generated and, therefore, of the Worker.
// oak router
router.get("/api/tasks/:id/run", async ctx => {
const id: any =;
if (!id) ctx.throw(500);
const task: Task = await get(id);
const compiler: Compiler = new Compiler(task);
const runner: Runner = new Runner(task);
await compiler.compile();
ctx.response.body = 'ok';
This is the function that processes the request, which in turn instantiates the Runner class.
Thank you very much in advance.
There's an open issue for this, the cache will be invalidated in the future for dynamic loads.
A workaround now is to add a querystring in the URL. And change it on every call to new Worker
let v = 0;
export class Runner {
private task: Task;
constructor(task: Task) {
this.task = task;
async run() {
new Worker(
new URL(await joinPath(`tasks/${}/output.js?v=${v++}`), import.meta.url).href,
{ type: "module" }