I have a bit complex situation for extracting information from a table. I am not sure what is the best way to do it.
I have two tables : student student_information
id name
-- --------
1 shredder
2 Queen
student_id property value
---------- -------- -----
1 dept CS
1 address DE
1 class X
2 dept MS
2 address DE
2 class IX
select * from student
join student_information si on student.id = si.student_id
Gives me output like this :
id name student_id property value
-- -------- ---------- -------- -----
1 shredder 1 dept CS
1 shredder 1 address DE
1 shredder 1 class X
2 queen 2 dept MS
2 queen 2 address DE
2 queen 2 class IX
select * from student
join student_information si on student.id = si.student_id
where property in ('dept','class')
I need information just for Dept and Class for each student,but currently the property class and department is listed as row. I want to make column out of it.
Can we construct the table like this?
id name dept class
-- -------- ---------- ------
1 shredder cS X
1 queen MS IX
You may join the two tables and then aggregate by student, turning out the properties you want using pivoting logic:
MAX(CASE WHEN si.property = 'dept' THEN si.value END) AS dept,
MAX(CASE WHEN si.property = 'class' THEN si.value END) AS class
FROM student s
LEFT JOIN student_information si
ON s.id = si.student_id