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Mockito for SimpleJdbcCall with Spring JdbcTemplate

I tried multiple way to execute the store procedure in my Junit test case to test against the out values but unfortunately nothing is working. My Test case:

public class DataTest {

    private static DataSource ds;

    private DataDaoImpl dataDao = new DataDaoImpl();

    private static JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    private static SimpleJdbcCall viewProc;

    public void setUp() throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    public static void init() throws Exception {
        viewProc = new SimpleJdbcCall(ds).withSchemaName("schema")
                .declareParameters(new SqlParameter("param1", Types.VARCHAR))
                .declareParameters(new SqlParameter("param2", Types.VARCHAR))
                .returningResultSet("dataModules", Mockito.anyObject());

        jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(ds);


    public void findDataModules() throws Exception {

        String param1 = "abc";
        List<DataObj> md = new ArrayList<DataObj>();

        int size = 3;
        SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("param1", "abc").addValue("param2",
        Map map = viewProc.execute(in);
        md = (List<DataObj>) map.get("data");
        assertTrue("Expected Data  ", md.size() >= size);



My Main class:

public class DataDaoImpl implements DataDao {

    protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

    @Resource(name = "db")
    private DataSource db;

    private SimpleJdbcCall viewProc;

    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

     * Initialization of Stored Procs and JDBC Template
     * @throws Exception
    public void init() throws Exception {
        viewProc = new SimpleJdbcCall(db).withSchemaName("schema")
                .declareParameters(new SqlParameter("param1", Types.VARCHAR))
                .declareParameters(new SqlParameter("param2", Types.VARCHAR))
                .returningResultSet("data", new ViewDataRowMapper());

        jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate(db);


    public List<Data> findUniqueDataModules(String p1, String p2) throws Exception {
        List<DataObj> dataModules = new ArrayList<DataObj>();
        try {
            SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("param1", p1).addValue("param2",
            Map map = viewUniqueDataModulesByLicense.execute(in);
            dataModules = (List<DataObj>) map.get("data");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //Hnadel Exception
        return dataModules;


Above code gives exception says datasource is required. I tried Mockito, powerMockito but it returning empty map. There is no exceptions with mock. I am OK with any solution which can pass my test case. Modified naming.


  • As much as I hate using reflection in testing, I believe it can help you in your case. Here, after initializing, I set the field viewProc to a mock object which you can use in the test. @PostConstruct is a Spring related annotation, so it will not be called while initializing it.

    class DataDaoImplTest {
        private DataDaoImpl dataDao;
        private DataSource dataSource;
        private SimpleJdbcCall jdbcCall;
        void setUp() {
            this.dataDao = new DataDaoImpl(dataSource);
            ReflectionTestUtils.setField(this.dataDao, "viewProc", jdbcCall);
        void findUniqueDataModules() throws Exception {
            // given:
            Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
            map.put("data", Arrays.asList(new DataDaoImpl.DataObj(), new DataDaoImpl.DataObj()));
            // mocks:
            // when:
            List<DataDaoImpl.DataObj> uniqueDataModules = this.dataDao.findUniqueDataModules("a", "b");
            // then:
            assertEquals(2, uniqueDataModules.size());

    Another solution would be to test the method against a test database, like H2. But it won't be a unit test.