I have extracted data returned by Textract AWS function. The return data type of this Textract function is of the following type:
"AnalyzeDocumentModelVersion": "string",
"Blocks": [
"BlockType": "string",
"ColumnIndex": number,
"ColumnSpan": number,
"Confidence": number,
"EntityTypes": [ "string" ],
"Geometry": {
"BoundingBox": {
"Height": number,
"Left": number,
"Top": number,
"Width": number
"Polygon": [
"X": number,
"Y": number
"Id": "string",
"Page": number,
"Relationships": [
"Ids": [ "string" ],
"Type": "string"
"RowIndex": number,
"RowSpan": number,
"SelectionStatus": "string",
"Text": "string"
"DocumentMetadata": {
"Pages": number
"JobStatus": "string",
"NextToken": "string",
"StatusMessage": "string",
"Warnings": [
"ErrorCode": "string",
"Pages": [ number ]
I have extracted the Blocks from this data by the following code :
var d = null;
...<Some Code Here>...
d = data.Blocks;
which gives an output as an array of JSON objects. An example of the extracted text is given below :
[...{ BlockType: 'WORD',
Confidence: 99.7286376953125,
Text: '2000.00',
Geometry: { BoundingBox: [Object], Polygon: [Array] },
Id: '<ID here>',
Page: 1 }, ...]
I want to extract only the Text field and see it as the only output. How do I start about this?
I'm probably misinterpreting your question but if what you need is to extract the value of the Text field of each object in the data array, please take a look at the following example
const data = [
BlockType: "WORD",
Confidence: 99.7286376953125,
Text: "2000.00",
Geometry: { BoundingBox: {}, Polygon: [] },
Id: "<ID here>",
Page: 1,
const output = data.map(({ Text: text }) => text);