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Filtering out data returned by AWS Textract function

I have extracted data returned by Textract AWS function. The return data type of this Textract function is of the following type:

   "AnalyzeDocumentModelVersion": "string",
   "Blocks": [ 
         "BlockType": "string",
         "ColumnIndex": number,
         "ColumnSpan": number,
         "Confidence": number,
         "EntityTypes": [ "string" ],
         "Geometry": { 
            "BoundingBox": { 
               "Height": number,
               "Left": number,
               "Top": number,
               "Width": number
            "Polygon": [ 
                  "X": number,
                  "Y": number
         "Id": "string",
         "Page": number,
         "Relationships": [ 
               "Ids": [ "string" ],
               "Type": "string"
         "RowIndex": number,
         "RowSpan": number,
         "SelectionStatus": "string",
         "Text": "string"
   "DocumentMetadata": { 
      "Pages": number
   "JobStatus": "string",
   "NextToken": "string",
   "StatusMessage": "string",
   "Warnings": [ 
         "ErrorCode": "string",
         "Pages": [ number ]

I have extracted the Blocks from this data by the following code :

var d = null;
...<Some Code Here>...
d = data.Blocks;

which gives an output as an array of JSON objects. An example of the extracted text is given below :

[...{ BlockType: 'WORD',
    Confidence: 99.7286376953125,
    Text: '2000.00',
    Geometry: { BoundingBox: [Object], Polygon: [Array] },
    Id: '<ID here>',
    Page: 1 }, ...]

I want to extract only the Text field and see it as the only output. How do I start about this?


  • I'm probably misinterpreting your question but if what you need is to extract the value of the Text field of each object in the data array, please take a look at the following example

    const data = [
        BlockType: "WORD",
        Confidence: 99.7286376953125,
        Text: "2000.00",
        Geometry: { BoundingBox: {}, Polygon: [] },
        Id: "<ID here>",
        Page: 1,
    const output ={ Text: text }) => text);
