Cheerp is a C++ to js/wasm transpiler.
Using C++, I am able to interface with extern
Javascript objects by statically defining a type and name of an object (and it's members).
Take the following object as an example:
var example1 = {
"itemA" : {
value : 3
"itemB" : {
value : 1
"item3165942" : {
value : 4
It would be trivial to statically define example1
as a struct with itemA/itemB as sub-structs. But I would never be able to access example1["item3165942"]
How do I dynamically retrieve, index and iterate over a javascript object's keys/values from within C++? Assume that all items in example1
are the following type:
struct item_type {
int32_t value;
IF you need to handle properties with unknown structure (= you do not known at compile time the structure of a JavaScript struct) you better iterate through its entries:
#include <cheerp/types.h>
#include <cheerp/client.h>
namespace client
struct CustomItem : public Object
int get_value();
void enumerateProperties(client::Object* obj)
auto entries = client::Object::keys(obj);
for (int i = 0; i<entries->get_length(); i++)
client::String* K = (client::String*)(*entries)[i];
client::CustomItem* CI = (client::CustomItem*)((*obj)[*K]);
client::console.log(*K, CI->get_value());
Note that there are two casts that have to be explicitly made: specificying that entries are client::String*, and that the mapped items are of type (client::CustomItem*). You should also inside namespace client declare that CustomItem has a method get_value() (that will be compiled down to a javascript getter on the property named "value").
You can use the same pattern also to access properties through via ["itemA"]
, in this way:
client::CustomItem * CI = (client::CustomItem*)((*obj)["itemA"]);