I want to access the variable value that is stored in application.properties of Spring Boot App. Using the following code I am able to access the value in variable
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
private String FOLDER_PATH;
private String absolute_folder_path = "/home/johnDoe/Documents/" + FOLDER_PATH;
When I print them both variables on screen I got
FOLDER_PATH : top/cat/white
absolute_folder_path :/home/johnDoe/Documents/null
I need the absolute_folder_path
should be /home/johnDoe/Documents/top/cat/white
Note : Both variables are declared outside the method. These are global variable
This issue is happening because absolute_folder_path did not get the value of Folder Path yet. And this is because of the way Spring injects those values. Where are you trying to print them?
You can try autowiring with a constructor and setting the value of absolute_folder_path in your constructor.
public class Test{
private String FOLDER_PATH;
private String absolute_folder_path;
public Test(@Value("${path.animals}") String folderPath){
FOLDER_PATH= folderPath;
absolute_folder_path = "/home/johnDoe/Documents/" + folderPath;