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Why is this code getting inferred latches?

I'm currently working on some Verilog code in Vivado, and even though I specified every possible path, somehow I'm receiving the "inferring latch for variable" message during the synthesis stage.

`timescale 1ns / 1ps //My implementation

module my_pe #(parameter L_RAM_SIZE = 4)
    //  clk //reset
    input aclk,
    input aresetn,
    // port A
    input [31:0] ain,
    // peram --> port B
    input [31:0] din,
    input [8-1:0] addr,
    input we,
    // integrated valid signal
    input valid,
    // computation result
    output dvalid,
    output [31:0] dout

(*ram_style = "block" *) reg [31:0] peram [0:2**L_RAM_SIZE-1]; // local register 
reg [32-1:0] bin;
reg [31:0] psum;
wire [31:0] result;

always @(we, din, addr) begin
    if (we==1) begin
        peram[addr] = din;
    else begin
        bin = peram[addr];

always @(aresetn, dvalid, result) begin
    if (!aresetn) begin
        psum = 0;
        if (dvalid ==1)
            psum = result;
            psum = psum;

The warning occurs in the two always blocks. Below are a few of the 100 "inferring latch" warning messages:

[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'peram_reg[15]'
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'psum_reg'
[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'bin_reg'


  • For the bin signal, the always block is triggered whenever any change occurs on these 3 signals:

    we, din, addr

    bin is only assigned a value when we is 0. When we is 1, bin retains its state. This infers a latch.

    Your module has a clock input (aclk), but you do not show it being used. If you want to infer flip-flops, you should use something like:

    always @(posedge clk)