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Insertion of an attribute of an attribute in a knowledge-graph with grakn / graql

My KG contains instances of a relation type that has an attribute.

I would like to insert new attribute values, but now linked to the attribute that already exists in those relations (attributes of an attribute).

Considering a fictional example, first I would insert the relation:

$per isa person, has id_per "xyz123";
$pro isa product, has id_pro "abc123";
insert $pur (purchaser: $per, purchased: pro) isa purchase, has invoice "aei379";

And after that, suppose that I want to insert a new attribute, invoice-date "2020-06-14" as an attribute of invoice "aei379".

How should I write the query for the match of the attribute invoice "aei379" and the insert of the new attribute invoice-date "2020-06-14"?

Is it necessary to match an specific relation (in my example there can be more than one relation with the same attribute) or is it possible to match directly the invoice attribute?


  • You can add an attribute to another attribute like that:

    $n "aei379" isa invoice;
    $n, has invoice-date "2020-06-14";

    or you can do it in one query

    $per isa person, has id_per "xyz123";
    $pro isa product, has id_pro "abc123";
    $a "aei379";
    $a isa invoice, has invoice-date "2020-06-14";
    $pur (purchaser: $per, purchased: pro) isa purchase, has invoice $a;