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Cite author and title for monographs

for a university paper I have to write an essay. The professor has percise instructions how to cite. For monograph books, he wants the author and the title in the footnotes.

I tried to use biblatex for this, but could not manage to get it to work

My minimal reproducible example is:



\usepackage[style=authoryear,maxcitenames=2,maxbibnames=99, uniquename=false]{biblatex}
   andothers = {{et\,al\adddot}},             



This is a minimal reproducible example. \footcite{adams1995hitchhiker}


which outputs: footnote image

Now i want to add the title of the book too (in this case The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) in the footnote

Any idea how to implement this?


  • It sounds as if the authortitle style would be closer to your requirements:

    \usepackage[style=authortitle,maxcitenames=2,maxbibnames=99, uniquename=false]{biblatex}
      author       = {Knuth, Donald E.},
      title        = {The {\TeX} book},
      date         = 1984,
      maintitle    = {Computers \& Typesetting},
      volume       = {A},
      publisher    = {Addison-Wesley},
      location     = {Reading, Mass.},
      langid       = {english},
      langidopts   = {variant=american},
      sortyear     = {1984-1},
      sorttitle    = {Computers & Typesetting A},
      indexsorttitle= {The TeXbook},
      indextitle   = {\protect\TeX book, The},
      shorttitle   = {\TeX book}
       andothers = {{et\,al\adddot}},             
    This is a minimal reproducible example. \footcite{knuth}

    enter image description here