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Kendo MVC TreeView not rendering ".k-in" items correctly

We're using Kendo UI MVC 2019.2.619 in our MVC5 project.

Our TreeView is rendering like this:

enter image description here

We took a look at the HTML it's generating at our end

enter image description here

But it should look like this

enter image description here


This is how we generate our TreeView.

                                  .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                                      .Model(model => model
                                      .Read(read => read.Type(HttpVerbs.Post).Action("ReadTree", "Broadcast").Data("treeViewReadData"))
                                      .Events(events => events.RequestEnd("onRequestEnd")))
                                  .Messages(msg => msg
                                      .Loading("Data ophalen...")
                                      .RequestFailed("Kan data niet ophalen")
                                      .Retry("Probeer opnieuw"))
                                  .Events(events => events
                                  .HtmlAttributes(new { @class = "custom-border" }))

When we drag the .k-in span outside of the .k-icon span in the Chrome debugger. The layout is like it's supposed to be. We do not have any custom JavaScript that's manipulating the TreeView. Is this a known bug with version we're using? Thank you.


  • We've searched for a couple of hours, but no luck. We made the decision to upgrade to Kendo 2020.5.513. It makes for some layout issues but it has fixed the issue with the treeview.