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Python api request won't work eventhough i got pip on the right path

I'm very new to python so I probably have made a coding fault, but what im trying to do is use GET to retrieve data from a website. My code is as following:

import requests

r = requests

r.GET = ''


Pycharm returns the following in the console:

C:\Users\Me\PycharmProjects\PhoneNumberRequest\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:/Users/Me/PycharmProjects/PhoneNumberRequest/venv/Scripts/
<module 'requests' from 'C:\\Users\\Me\\PycharmProjects\\PhoneNumberRequest\\venv\\lib\\site-packages\\requests\\'>

Process finished with exit code 0

Isn't it supposed to give back the data that comes with the API? What am i doing wrong?


  • I reckon you should rather write

    result *(or whatever)* = r.GET('')

    since you don't want to set the value of r.GET(...) but of a new variable that contains the result/response.