I have a JS program which cycles through a list of words and sets the text of the
<span id="changing"></span>
To the current item in the list. Here's my code:
const words = [
let num = 0;
function infinite() {
while (num < 1) {
words.forEach((item) => {
document.getElementById("changing").innerHTML = item;
How can I wait 1 second each time it changes the word? (also, this doesn't seem to do anything, so if you could help with that, that would be absolutely amazing)
There is a built-in javascript function called setInterval()
which infinitely does a function in intervals of n
in milliseconds. Applying this to your situation:
const words = ["Amazing", "Simple", "Powerful", "Extensible", "Fast", "Lightweight", "Integrated", "Incredible"];
var index = 0;
setInterval(() => {
document.getElementById("changing").textContent = words[index];
index = (index+1) % words.length;// If index becomes the last element, it will then go to the first element, making a loop
}, 1000); // 1000 ms = 1 s
<span id="changing"></span>