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Tumblr: How to control CSS with post tagging (UPDATE: Working Method without JQuery!)

Seen this done before, am curious as to how it is done. Example can be found over at

For example, if I tag a post blue, the bg-color of the post turns blue, etc.

Anyone know how this is done?



  • Found a way to do this with only HTML/CSS. Pretty simple, just add the {Tag} block to any div class wrapping the post area but make sure it's between {block:Posts} and {block:Text} etc. Now whatever you tag a post now becomes a new class.

        <div class="post {block:HasTags}{block:Tags}{Tag} {/block:Tags}{/block:HasTags}">

    Pay attention to the third line down. it is important to add a space after {Tag} otherwise they won't be seperated in the HTML.

    The CSS would look like this:

    .post { /* default style */
        background: #ccc;
        float: left;
        margin: 10px;
        position: relative;
    .blue { /* when tagged blue, use this style */
        background: blue !important; 

    Works! Pretty simple, no jquery required!

    Thanks Blender, wouldn't have thought of this for some reason if I didn't read your jquery method :)