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How to use PostSharp LoggingAspect in controller?

I am trying to execute some logging logic after a method is done executing. So, I used the basic example described here by Postsharp as follows:

public class LoggingAspect : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
  public override void OnExit(MethodExecutionArgs args)
     Console.WriteLine("The {0} method has exited.", args.Method.Name);

Then, I try to use this attribute LoggingAspect on different methods. It works on all methods except those in the controller class like the following:

    public class HomeController : ControllerBase
        public IEnumerable<Student> Get(string number, int? year)

I expected the attribute LoggingAspect to work on all methods, however it did not work in the controller. Am I missing something?


  • It turns out I was not referencing Postsharp in the project I was using the LoggingAspect attribute in. It wasn't obvious at first as there were no build or runtime errors in that project.