can you pls help me on what I did wrong here?
I followed this tutorial on YT: for making a collision detection, but my penguin seems to go through my objects. I'm very frustrated.
The version of sfml i use is the 2.5.1. I use Visual Studio 2017.
I promise, in the files I linked here there's no virus.
(update - I solved the issue by replacing
float intersectX = abs(deltax) - (otherHalfSize.x + thisHalfSize.x);
float intersectY = abs(deltay) - (otherHalfSize.y + thisHalfSize.y);
so I changed minus with the plus, but now the pushing sequence works only from the bottom and right, but when i try to push to the left, the object immediately stands over the head of the character. What did I failed?
Some people are sceptical about viruses so I'm gonna just paste the code:
this is the code for the header Collider
Whatch the video and tell me what I could have done wrong.
sf::Vector2f otherPosition = other.getPosition();
sf::Vector2f otherHalfSize = other.gethalfsize();
sf::Vector2f thisPosition = getPosition();
sf::Vector2f thisHalfSize = gethalfsize();
float deltax = otherPosition.x - thisPosition.x;
float deltay = otherPosition.y - thisPosition.y;
float intersectX = abs(deltax) - (otherHalfSize.x + thisHalfSize.x);
float intersectY = abs(deltay) - (otherHalfSize.y + thisHalfSize.y);
if (intersectX < 0.0f and intersectY < 0.0f)
push = std::min(std::max(push, 0.0f), 1.0f);
if (intersectX > intersectY) // ricordo che adesso stiamo utilizzando numeri negativi
if (deltax > 0.0f)
Move(intersectX * (1.0f - push), 0.0f);
other.Move(-intersectX * push, 0.0f);
Move(intersectX * (1.0f - push), 0.0f);
other.Move(intersectX * push, 0.0f);
if (deltay > 0.0f)
Move(0.0f, intersectY * (1.0f - push));
other.Move(0.0f, -intersectY * push);
Move(0.0f, intersectY * (1.0f - push));
other.Move(0.0f, intersectY * push);
return true;
return false;
I found the problem:
I need to change this:
Move(intersectX * (1.0f - push), 0.0f);
to this:
Move(-intersectX * (1.0f - push), 0.0f);
the same on the Y axis. I spent all the night finding this stupid error.