I want to have a URL that looks like:
if artCatId != null and tagId == null:
if artCatId == null and tagId != null:
and if artCatId != null and tagId != null:
How can I create this nice URL?
I've used ASP.NET Core 3.1 in my project.
in Controller:
public async Task<IActionResult> Index(int? artCatId = null, int? tagId = null, int pageNumber = 1)
in Startup.cs:
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
// This doesn't work based on my expectation
endpoints.MapControllerRoute(name: "article cat or tag", pattern: "{controller=Article}/{action}/artCatId/{artCatId?}/tagId/{tagId?}/pageNumber/{pageNumber}");
One option is to place multiple RouteAtrribute
s on a single method:
public IActionResult Article(int? artCatId = null, int? tagId = null, int pageNumber = 1)
// logic to handle based on passed in values