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MATCH formula with two criteria as Worksheet Function (VBA)

Take this worksheet scenario - in the yellow cell I've used an array formula to locate the 5th row in the table: {=MATCH(4&"jkl",A1:A5&B1:B5,0)}


I can't for the life of me translate this into a VBA worksheet function. Here's what I thought would be right:

MsgBox WorksheetFunction.Match([4 & "jkl", .Range("A1:A5") & .Range("B1:B5")], 0)

Any advice gratefully received.


  • I asked a similar question here but the proposed solution has difficulty handling the concatenated ranges, so:

    Taking advantage of the fact that in VBA MATCH() can handle either a Range or an Array:

    Sub dural()
        Dim arr(1 To 5, 1 To 1)
        For i = 1 To 5
            arr(i, 1) = Cells(i, 1) & Cells(i, 2)
        Next i
        With Application.WorksheetFunction
            MsgBox .Match("4jlk", arr, 0)
        End With
    End Sub

    enter image description here

    Also, as GSerg commented, we could also use Evaluate():

    Sub test2()
        Dim s As String
        s = "=MATCH(4 & ""jkl"",A1:A5 & B1:B5,0)"
        MsgBox Evaluate(s)
    End Sub