Search code examples

Calculate mode grouped by a column

| client | price |
|     54 |    25 |
|    648 |    35 |
|     54 |    10 |
|    648 |     8 |
|     54 |    25 |
|    648 |    35 |

Lets say above is how my table schema is set up and I want to calculate the most frequent price value per client eg.

| client | price |
|     54 |    25 |
|    648 |    35 |

I'm having a hard time accomplishing this in MySQL. I've done it in PHP like so:

$clientPrices = $this->database->select('design', [

$pricesByClients = [];
foreach ($clientPrices as $value) {
    $pricesByClients[$value['clientid']][] = $value['price'];

foreach ($pricesByClients as $key => $value) {
    $priceCount = array_count_values($value);
    $mode = array_search(max($priceCount), $priceCount);
    $pricesByClients[$key] = $mode;

return $pricesByClients;

But, this is slow and I was hoping if I can either make this a bit efficient or do it in SQL.

Edit: It's MySQL 5.* and not 8.


  • Unfortunately, MySQL has no built-in function that computes the mode().

    If you are using MySQL 8.0, you can use window functions and aggregation:

    select client, price
    from (
        select client, price, rank() over(partition by client order by count(*) desc) rn
        from mytable
        group by client, price
    ) t
    where rn = 1

    In earlier versions, and option is to filter with a having clause and a correlated subquery

    select client, price
    from mytable t
    group by client, price
    having count(*) = (
        select count(*)
        from mytable t1
        where t1.client = t.client
        group by t1.price
        order by count(*) desc
        limit 1