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Parse a multiline string with two delimiters per line into an array of associative rows

I found a few posts to explode data as array, but mine is bit specific because the data has 2 parts

I have this


and result I need is this

    [0] => Array
            [title] => Title1
            [link] => Link1

    [1] => Array
            [title] => Title2
            [link] => Link2


data is coming from texarea separated by \n so the data you see is actual data.


  • I'm more a fan of explode() than preg_match() when you don't actually need regular expressions.

    // line by line...
    foreach (explode("\n", $text) as $line) {
      // variable by variable...
      foreach (explode("|", $line) as $vars) {
        // separate LHS from RHS.
        $parts=explode("=", $vars);

    Don't forget to add code to handle lines that don't match the pattern you expect. Input validation is important.