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Nanair package not having expected results

Recently, I've been making chi squared tests with some variables from my dataset. The problem is that some variables have missing values listed as -9 instead of NA and I tried using a few tactics to remedy this:

Oak %>% replace_with_na_all(condition = ~.x == -9)

oakland_analysis_final %>%
   replace_with_na_all(condition = ~.x %in% common_na_numbers)

na_strings <-c("-9")

Oak %>%
   replace_with_na_all(condition = ~.x %in% na_strings)

to replace -9 with NA. After using a table() command, I confirmed that -9 was still listed. There were no apparent errors.


  • How about this?

        Oak <- data.frame(
        id = c(1,   1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1),
        values = c(1,   1,  -9, 2,  -9, 3,  4,  4,  -9, 5))
       id values
    1   1      1
    2   1      1
    3   1     -9
    4   1      2
    5   1     -9
    6   1      3
    7   1      4
    8   1      4
    9   1     -9
    10  1      5
    Oak[ Oak == -9 ] <- NA
       id values
    1   1      1
    2   1      1
    3   1     NA
    4   1      2
    5   1     NA
    6   1      3
    7   1      4
    8   1      4
    9   1     NA
    10  1      5