I have a good solution to highlighting cells based on an exact condition. I'm trying to highlight based on partial matches. For Example: A1= Dodge. A2 = Durango, A3 = Dart.
How can I do a partial match of lets say "dodg" and "duran" and "dar" then don't highlight the cell but every other cell. Basically if the partial match is missing, then highlight the cell in the entire column.
The following highlights "Durango" if there is a match:
Sub Highlight()
Dim Highlight As Range
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set w = ws.Rows(1).Find("Dodge", lookat:=xlWhole)
If Not w Is Nothing Then
For Each Highlight In ws.Range(w, ws.Cells(Rows.Count, w.Column).End(xlUp)).Cells
If Highlight = "Durango" Then
Highlight.Interior.Color = 65535
End If
Next Highlight
End If
End Sub
you could use
If Highlight Like "Durango" then...
Like will search the cell for that word so it doesn't have to be an exact match to the whole cell, just contain that word or partial word using the "*". So in your case set up a variable for match then use
keyword = Cells(whatever cell your search word is entered into)
keyword = "*" & keyword & "*"
If Highlight Like keyword then
'code to highlight whatever cells or _
' Set a Range and highlight the whole range.
end if