Hi i need create RESTfull API with mongoose and express for fetch data of hotels data and i have a problem. let me show you. I need create this schema of DB.
"hotels" : [{
"name" : "Hotel Emperador",
"stars" : "3",
"images" :[....],
"price" : "1596",
I am using mongoose and i created this schema
const hotelSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
id : Number,
name: String,
stars: String,
images: [String],
price: String
const hotel = mongoose.model('hotel', hotelSchema);
I used hotel.save() method for save this
const hotels = new hotel( {hotels:[{
"name" : "Hotel Emperador",
"stars" : "5",
"images" :['https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/03/01/e7/a1/hotel-bolivar.jpg'],
"price" : "1596"
the question is the schema above is ok for my requirement of data base? on mongo Atlas show this:
Well my main issue is because when i run this code do not obtain the array hotels
} else {
i get this( console.log(result) and this has sense because i have an array before my object hotels.
_id: 5ee30d871e42964f0f3b3a10,
hotels: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
__v: 0
I needed do something how this for get all my nested objects inside the array
hotel.findOne({ _id:"5ee30d871e42964f0f3b3a10"},function(err,result){
} else {
And here i need you help beacuse i cant find one method for get One hotel inside my array can you help me? i need the way for obtein with mongose a response how this
"name" : "Hotel Emperador",
"stars" : "3",
"images" :[....],
"price" : "1596",
Thanks for your help.
The problem is that you are storing all your hotel objects a single hotel
document. To achieve the behaviour you want with ease, you can modify your schema as follows:
const HotelSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
stars: String,
images: [String],
price: String
const Hotel = mongoose.model('hotel', HotelSchema);
To insert your list of hotels to the collection:
await Hotel.create([{
"name" : "Hotel Emperador",
"stars" : "5",
"images" :['https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/03/01/e7/a1/hotel-bolivar.jpg'],
"price" : "1596"
... // other hotel elements go here.
Finally, do the following to retrieve a single hotel from the collection:
const hotel = await Hotel.findOne({});
I hope this helps.