I do not understand, how to query cassandra with hector, but the column-values returned are not of one single type, but of many:
I put in ???? where I do not know what to do:
MultigetSliceQuery<String, String, ??????> multigetSliceQuery = HFactory.createMultigetSliceQuery(keyspace, stringSerializer, stringSerializer, ???????);
For for example, if all my column-values are of String type, I would put in String. But I have differnt ones like String, Integer, and byte[] in one single row. So I must pass in more then one Serializer.
How to solve this?
Thank you.
(can one pls create hector as tag? I am not allowed to do this)
You can use the ByteBufferSerializer, and then convert the ByteBuffers returned from ByteBufferSerializer as the argument to StringSerializer and IntegerSerializer to convert the columns which are Strings and Integers.