In my pom.xml, I have a SikuliX Jar which has a transitive dependency on jna-platform.
As seen in below image, version 4.5.2 has overrided version 5.4.0.
But i dont understand, how this version is overrided as i have not specified any dependency for jna-platform. I had also verified that no any there dependency is fetching this jar.
Please help me understand why this is happening. Any detailed document is well appreciated.
Related dependencies:-
Since you were using spring boot, as suggested here (there's also the reason of this behaviour):
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/jna/platform/win32/SspiUtil$ManagedSecBufferDesc #882
you can change your order of dependencies, or specify the exact version, like this:
or add this property: