i am using stormcrawler 1.16 with elasticsearch 7.2.0. i have built project with with acrhetype. command i run to submitted topology
storm jar target/stormcrawler-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar org.apache.storm.flux.Flux --remote es-crawler.flux
i am getting this in output -
Parsing file: /home/ubuntu/stormcrawler/es-crawler.flux
835 [main] INFO o.a.s.f.p.FluxParser - loading YAML from input
841 [main] INFO o.a.s.f.p.FluxParser - Not performing property
841 [main] INFO o.a.s.f.p.FluxParser - Not performing environment
variable substitution.
900 [main] INFO o.a.s.f.p.FluxParser - Loading includes from
resource: /crawler-default.yaml
901 [main] INFO o.a.s.f.p.FluxParser - loading YAML from input
903 [main] INFO o.a.s.f.p.FluxParser - Not performing property
903 [main] INFO o.a.s.f.p.FluxParser - Not performing environment
variable substitution.
Configuration (interpreted):
then i last output lines -
2014 [main] WARN o.a.s.u.Utils - STORM-VERSION new 1.2.3 old 1.2.3
2376 [main] INFO o.a.s.StormSubmitter - Finished submitting topology: crawler
but when i check this crawler topology in storm ui, then in topology stats, no tuple is emitted or transffered by this crawler topology.
i have atteched a snapshot of storm ui in link below.
[in topology stats, no tuples is emitted or transffered. how can i solve this issue ? 1
Your POM file is probably missing the storm-crawler-elasticsearch dependency.
You could compare your code with what is generated by the storm-crawler-elasticsearch-archetype, which should give you a working configuration.
Use the archetype for Elasticsearch with:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.digitalpebble.stormcrawler -DarchetypeArtifactId=storm-crawler-elasticsearch-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=LATEST
You'll be asked to enter a groupId (e.g. com.mycompany.crawler), an artefactId (e.g. stormcrawler), a version and package name.
This will not only create a fully formed project containing a POM with the dependency above but also a set of resources, configuration files and a topology class. Enter the directory you just created (should be the same as the artefactId you specified earlier) and follow the instructions on the README file.