I want to use the QRCode generator from this repo: https://github.com/davidshimjs/qrcodejs
How do I import the QRCode through webpack? When I installed qrcodejs through npm the index.js contained this code module.exports = 'qrcodejs';
When I use require('qrcodejs');
in my code it returns the string 'qrcodejs', but I want to import the QRCode constructor through webpack. I want to be able to call the constructor in my code like so, after importing it with webpack.
let qrcode = new QRCode("output", {
text: "http://google.com",
width: 100,
height: 100,
colorDark: "#188710",
colorLight: "#ffffff"
What do I have to do to accomplish this? I am using ES6 Javascript without any frameworks or other libraries, besides webpack.
index.js inside the qrcodejs folder
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
{ test: /qrcode/, loader: 'exports-loader?QRCode' }
import { QRCode } from 'qrcodejs'
export class EditProduct {
let test = require('qrcodejs'); // returns the module object with the rules array
let test2 = QRCode // returns undefined
Just as Raz Ronen said, install export-loader.
This will allow us to introduce non-modular js to Webpack.
After installing add the QRCode module as:
import QRCode from 'exports-loader?QRCode!qrcodejs/qrcode'
based on the answer here