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Authorization Header not getting displayed in CURL springdoc-openapi-ui

I am using the springdoc-openapi-ui. I have configured the global headers named Authorization. When I execute the API Authorization is not showing in the CURL of the requests. My other parameters are showing in the CURL except Authorization.

Previously, I was using the springfox-swagger-ui and that time it was showing in CURL section.

I have searched for the same and found Note on Note: Header parameters named Accept, Content-Type and Authorization are not allowed.

But my requirement to use Authorization as header only. Is there any away we can achieve this?

My SwaggerConfiguration is added below.

public class SwaggerConfiguration {

    private String title;
    private String description;
    private String version;

    String schemeIdentifier;

    public OperationCustomizer customGlobalHeaders() {

        return (Operation operation, HandlerMethod handlerMethod) -> {

            Parameter authorization = new Parameter().in(ParameterIn.HEADER.toString()).name("Authorization")
                    .description("Authorization details JWT token")
                    .schema(new StringSchema()).required(true);

            Parameter applicationId = new Parameter().in(ParameterIn.HEADER.toString()).schema(new StringSchema())
                    .name("Application-Id").description("Originating application or client using the service")


            return operation;

    public GroupedOpenApi adminApi() {      

        String[] packagesToscan = { "abc.controller" };

        return GroupedOpenApi.builder().setGroup("Client").packagesToScan(packagesToscan).build();

    public OpenAPI customOpenAPI() {
        return new OpenAPI().info(new Info().title(title).version(version).description(description))
                .components(new Components());


  • I have searched for an answer on the same.
    We can not set Authorization as a header with springdoc open api. if we want to use then we need to enable the authorization button on swagger ui.

    enter image description here

    then it will shows in CURL section as shown below.

    enter image description here

    code to enable authorization button on swagger in glabal location

    public class SwaggerConfiguration {
        public OpenAPI customOpenAPI() {
            return new OpenAPI().info(new 
                    .addSecurityItem(new SecurityRequirement().addList("my security"))
                    .components(new Components().addSecuritySchemes("my security",
                            new SecurityScheme().name("my 