Search code examples

SQL - SUM but filter the 2 max column

I have a table like below.

qid  segment task    before  after   diff
1       0    aaa       5     5       0
1       0    aaa       5     5       0
1       1    aaa       15    15      0
1       1    aaa       10    5      10
1       0    aaa       10    5       5
3       0    bbb       10    4       6

For each task I need to sum the before,after and diff values.But the I want to do this operation only on the High qid and segment.

For eg: for task A,

  • High qid = 1
  • High segment =1

This is row I want to take for task A.

For task B,

  • High qid = 3
  • high segment = 0

The last row is the one I want to calculate.

Expected output:

task    before  after   diff
aaa       25    20      10
bbb       10    4       6


  • Try with dense_rank. here is the demo.

    with cte as
            dense_rank() over (partition by task order by qid desc, segment desc) as rnk
        from myTable
        sum(before) as before,
        sum(after)  as after,
        sum(diff) as  diff
    from cte
    where rnk = 1
    group by


    | task | before | after | diff |
    | ---- | ------ | ----- | ---- |
    | aaa  | 25     | 20    | 10   |
    | bbb  | 10     | 4     | 6    |