So I wrote a code that gets information from which is in JSON,
var wolfxpp =[uuis].slayer_bosses.wolf.xp.toLocaleString()
If a user doesn't have XP .toLocaleString
comes as undefined
How can I fix that and make it on embed as '0'
I tried
if ([uuis].slayer_bosses.wolf.xp == undefined) {
return wolfxpp = '0';
The error stopped showing after this but the embed still haven't been sent How can I define an undefined value?
return wolfxpp = '0';
is not how it works
You could do this
wolfxpp =[uuis].slayer_bosses.wolf.xp;
if (wolfxpp === undefined) wolfxpp = '0';
This is simpler:
var wolfxpp = ([uuis].slayer_bosses.wolf.xp || 0).toLocaleString()
If there is no xp, use 0 instead. The (var || 0)
is testing for any falsy value and returns 0 if falsy