Hello I am parsing a csvFile using csvHelper and Ive come to a roadbloack. One of the headers in the header is "Tol +".I was not able to put it as a variable name, and thus I mapped it as "Tol_plus" using the automapping class. However, when I output the file, I receive:
(Console output of Header Row below)
What I want:
(How Header Row actually looks below)
Measurement,Nominal,Tol +
Here is the code I have so far:
public class Foo
public string Measurement { get; set; }//read as string
public string Nominal { get; set; } //reads in data from here
public string Tol_plus { get; set; }//reads in data from here
public sealed class FooMap : ClassMap<Foo>
public FooMap()
Map(m => m.Measurement).Name("Measurement");//maps the variables from the class above to things in quotes
Map(m => m.Nominal).Name("Nominal");
Map(m => m.Tol_plus).Name("Tol +");
//main method
void main()
var textwriter = Console.Out;
using (var csvWriter = new CsvWriter(textwriter, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
using (var reader = new StreamReader(@"path.csv"))
using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
csv.Configuration.RegisterClassMap<FooMap>();//necessary for mapping
var records = csv.GetRecords<Foo>();
//The output here gives me:
For this, I tried passing in a string literal to into Tol_plus but that didnt work, would there be a way to map it so it prints out "Tol +" instead of "Tol_plus"?
Based on Edney's comment:
public class Foo
public string Measurement { get; set; }//read as string
public string Nominal { get; set; } //reads in data from here
[CsvHelper.Configuration.Attributes.Name("Tol +")]
public string Tol_plus { get; set; }//reads in data from here
By adding the line:
[CsvHelper.Configuration.Attributes.Name("Tol +")]
It changes the name to "Tol +" during output.