I'm trying to make a bucket_list
in which the argument label
varies according to row selection in a DT.
Here's the code so far:
nr <- c("1","2","3")
name <- c("John Doe One","John Doe Two","John Doe Three")
shedule <- data.frame(nr,name)
ui <- navbarPage("Hello world!",
DTOutput('shedule'), # datatable
textOutput("selection"), # print label selection
# bucket list #
header = "Drag and drop seleted rows to the correct location",
group_name = "bucket_list_group",
orientation = "horizontal",
add_rank_list(text = "Driver",
labels = textOutput("selection"), # labels from row selection
input_id = "driver"),
add_rank_list(text = "Passenger 1",
labels = NULL,
input_id = "passenger_1"),
add_rank_list(text = "Passenger 2",
labels = NULL,
input_id = "passenger_2"),
add_rank_list(text = "Passenger 3",
labels = NULL,
input_id = "passenger_3"))
inverse = TRUE
server = function(input, output) {
# Render DT -------------------------------------------
output$shedule <- DT::renderDataTable(shedule)
output$selection <- renderText({
s <- input$shedule_rows_selected # Selected rows
# Create label from selected rows ---------------------
label = NULL # Where labels will be stored
for (i in s)
label <- c(label, paste(shedule$nr[i], word(shedule$name[i],1,2), sep = " - ")) # Create label with code number and first two names of the person
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thank you for your help!
To make your bucket list dynamic, you can create a reactive
expression to create/store your labels as rows are selected. Then, you can refer to this reactive
in your bucket list. To do this, you would need to move your bucket list to server
, and include htmlOutput
in your ui
Depending on the desired behavior, you may wish to change how reactive
works depending on rows selected.
nr <- c("1","2","3")
name <- c("John Doe One","John Doe Two","John Doe Three")
shedule <- data.frame(nr,name)
ui <- navbarPage("Hello world!",
DTOutput('shedule'), # datatable
textOutput("selection"), # print label selection
inverse = TRUE
server = function(input, output) {
# Render DT -------------------------------------------
output$shedule <- DT::renderDataTable(shedule)
# Render bucket list
output$bucketlist <- renderUI({
header = "Drag and drop seleted rows to the correct location",
group_name = "bucket_list_group",
orientation = "horizontal",
add_rank_list(text = "Driver",
labels = bucketlistlabels(), # labels from row selection
input_id = "driver"),
add_rank_list(text = "Passenger 1",
labels = NULL,
input_id = "passenger_1"),
add_rank_list(text = "Passenger 2",
labels = NULL,
input_id = "passenger_2"),
add_rank_list(text = "Passenger 3",
labels = NULL,
input_id = "passenger_3"))
# Reactive expression to create labels from rows selected
bucketlistlabels <- reactive({
s <- input$shedule_rows_selected # Selected rows
# Create label from selected rows ---------------------
label = NULL # Where labels will be stored
for (i in s)
label <- c(label, paste(shedule$nr[i], word(shedule$name[i],1,2), sep = " - ")) # Create label with code number and first two names of the person
output$selection <- renderText({
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)