I'm trying to install org-checklist
for spacemacs but I'm having some difficulties. On the project documentation (https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-checklist.html) it says enable the org contrib
directory but when I run M-x find-library RET org-contribdir
it says the contrib directory is deprecated. When I try installing org-plus-contrib
with package-list-packages
, nothing happens.
How to untick checkboxes in org-mode for the next cyclic/repetitive task - This stack overflow question says I should download the org-checklist.el
file but I can't find it anywhere. If anyone knows how to set up org-checklist
or a viable alternative, I'd be really grateful
is part of org-plus-contrib
. You should be able to install it with package-manager
: it is available from orgmode.org, so you have to add (add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "https://orgmode.org/elpa/") t)
to your list of archives.
Starting from emacs -q
I was able to install it after evaluating these lines:
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "https://orgmode.org/elpa/") t)
in the *scratch*
buffer. Invoking package-list-packages
showed org-plus-conrib
as an available package and ix
installed it (after I confirmed that I wanted to install it).
I was then able to load org-checklist
with M-x load-library RET org-checklist RET
Alternatively, you can just download the file from here and save it in some place that is found in your emacs's load-path
, then say (require 'org-checklist)
Hope this helps.