Following code of my Microsoft Office WORD VSTO Add-in, was successfully getting the document title before. But now, it's throwing the error shown below:
string sTitle = oActiveDoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties["Title"].Value;
Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'object'
Based on some similar online solutions (such as this and this) to the issue I tried the following code but I'm still getting the exact same error.
Question: What I may be missing here and how can it be resolved?
Ref: Document.BuiltInDocumentProperties gets a Microsoft.Office.Core.DocumentProperties collection
that represents all the built-in document properties for the document.
Following also gives the exact same error:
string sTitle = oActiveDoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties["Title"].Value as string;
string sTitle = oActiveDoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties["Title"] as string;
could you try that:
string sTitle;
dynamic properties = oActiveDoc.BuiltInDocumentProperties;
var property = properties["Title"];
if (property != null)
sTitle = property.Value.ToString();