I am trying to retrieve a collection of resources from a REST service. My code to request this collection is as follows:
public CollectionModel<EntityModel<Doctor>> getDoctors() {
log.info("Request to get all doctor resources");
ParameterizedTypeReference<CollectionModel<EntityModel<Doctor>>> doctorTypeReference =
new ParameterizedTypeReference<CollectionModel<EntityModel<Doctor>>>() {};
CollectionModel<EntityModel<Doctor>> doctorResources = traverson
log.info("The received resources are: " + doctorResources);
return doctorResources;
Where Doctor
is just a POJO:
@Data // Lombok annotation for setters, getter, equals, ...
@Relation(value = "doctor", collectionRelation = "doctors")
public class Doctor {
private Long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastNames;
private String email;
private String status;
private Map<String, String> links;
And the traverson is injected with the @Autowired
private Traverson traverson;
Its configuration is as follows:
public class RestConfiguration {
private String restUri;
private String username;
private String password;
private Resource trustStore;
private String trustStorePassword;
public RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder() {
return new RestTemplateBuilder(restTemplate -> {
// Configure SSL to accept self-signed certificates
SSLContext sslContext = null;
try {
sslContext = SSLContexts.custom()
.loadTrustMaterial(null, new TrustSelfSignedStrategy()).build();
} catch (KeyManagementException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | KeyStoreException e) {
log.error("Unexpected exception while creating SSLContext: " + e);
SSLConnectionSocketFactory socketFactory =
new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext, NoopHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE);
CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom()
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory =
new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();
// Configure basic authentication
new BasicAuthenticationInterceptor(username, password));
public Traverson traverson() {
Traverson traverson = new Traverson(URI.create(restUri), MediaTypes.HAL_JSON);
// Configure the RestTemplates used by the Traverson
return traverson;
I am just using a self-signed SSL certificate and basic HTTP authentication.
This being said, the logged message after the getDoctors
method is called is:
The received resources are: Resources { content: [], links: [] }
I have tried using the RestTemplate
public CollectionModel<EntityModel<Doctor>> getDoctors() {
log.info("Request to get all doctor resources");
ParameterizedTypeReference<CollectionModel<EntityModel<Doctor>>> doctorTypeReference =
new ParameterizedTypeReference<CollectionModel<EntityModel<Doctor>>>() {};
// builder is the @Autowired RestTemplateBuilder
CollectionModel<EntityModel<Doctor>> doctorResources = builder.build()
HttpMethod.GET, null, doctorTypeReference).getBody();
log.info("The received resources are: " + doctorResources);
ResponseEntity<Object> resp = builder.build()
HttpMethod.GET, null, Object.class);
log.info("The resources using rest template are: " + resp);
return doctorResources;
Using the ParameterizedTypeReference
as the response type, the received collection is still empty. However, using Object.class
as the response type, the ResponseEntity
body actually contains the expected information:
The resources using rest template are: <200,{_embedded={doctors=[{id=1, firstName=1, lastNames=1, email=1@guardians.com, status=AVAILABLE, absence=null, _links={self={href=}, doctors={href={?email}, templated=true}, shiftConfig={href=}, updateDoctor={href=}}}, {id=2, firstName=2, lastNames=2, email=2@guardians.com, status=AVAILABLE, absence=null, _links={self={href=}, doctors={href={?email}, templated=true}, shiftConfig={href=}, updateDoctor={href=}}}, {id=3, firstName=3, lastNames=3, email=3@guardians.com, status=AVAILABLE, absence=null, _links={self={href=}, doctors={href={?email}, templated=true}, shiftConfig={href=}, updateDoctor={href=}}}, {id=4, firstName=4, lastNames=4, email=4@guardians.com, status=AVAILABLE, absence=null, _links={self={href=}, doctors={href={?email}, templated=true}, shiftConfig={href=}, updateDoctor={href=}}},..., {id=22, firstName=22, lastNames=22, email=22@guardians.com, status=AVAILABLE, absence=null, _links={self={href=}, doctors={href={?email}, templated=true}, shiftConfig={href=}, updateDoctor={href=}}}]}, _links={self={href={?email}, templated=true}, newDoctor={href={startDate}, templated=true}, root={href=}}},[Set-Cookie:"JSESSIONID=6F797BDA2827ACD4590708F5E354122A; Path=/guardians/api; Secure; HttpOnly", X-Content-Type-Options:"nosniff", X-XSS-Protection:"1; mode=block", Cache-Control:"no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate", Pragma:"no-cache", Expires:"0", Strict-Transport-Security:"max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains", X-Frame-Options:"DENY", Content-Type:"application/json", Transfer-Encoding:"chunked", Date:"Tue, 09 Jun 2020 11:21:01 GMT", Keep-Alive:"timeout=60", Connection:"keep-alive"]>
Then, if I just request a single resource:
public EntityModel<Doctor> getDoctor(Long doctorId) {
log.info("Request to get doctor " + doctorId);
ParameterizedTypeReference<EntityModel<Doctor>> doctorTypeReference =
new ParameterizedTypeReference<EntityModel<Doctor>>() {};
EntityModel<Doctor> doctorEntity;
try {
doctorEntity = traverson
.follow(Hop.rel(doctorLink).withParameter("doctorId", doctorId))
} catch (NotFound e) {
log.info("The doctor was not found");
throw e;
log.info("The received resource is: " + doctorEntity);
return doctorEntity;
The content is deserialized correclty, but the links are not:
The received resource is: Resource { content: Doctor(id=1, firstName=1, lastNames=1, email=1@guardians.com, status=AVAILABLE, links=null), links: [] }
I am using the Spring framework to serve a web application. This application consumes the REST service using Spring-Hateoas.
I found the problem: I was not configuring the message converters of the RestTemplate
to use HAL.
To fix it, I just added the following at the end of the configuration of the RestTemplate
Now, the Bean
that provides the RestTemplateBuilder
looks like this:
public RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder() {
return new RestTemplateBuilder(restTemplate -> {
// Configure SSL to accept self-signed certificates
SSLContext sslContext = null;
try {
sslContext = SSLContexts.custom()
.loadTrustMaterial(null, new TrustSelfSignedStrategy()).build();
} catch (KeyManagementException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | KeyStoreException e) {
log.error("Unexpected exception while creating SSLContext: " + e);
SSLConnectionSocketFactory socketFactory =
new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContext, NoopHostnameVerifier.INSTANCE);
CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom()
HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory requestFactory =
new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory();
// Configure basic authentication
new BasicAuthenticationInterceptor(username, password));
// Configure the restTemplate to use the default HAL message converter