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the simulation output of my JK Flip-Flop just get nothing changed

the following is the jk flip-flop with preset and clear there's nothing wrong after compiling. But after simulation, I just find out that my output (QA, QB, QC, QD) just keep to be 0 and unchanged.

is there any thing wrong with my case statement? or I use the negedge in the wrong way?

module one(inputA, inputB, R01, R02, R91, R92, QA, QB, QC, QD);
input inputA, inputB, R01, R02, R91, R92;
output QA, QB, QC, QD;

reg qa = 1'b0, qb = 1'b0, qc = 1'b0, qd = 1'b0;
reg r0, r9, pre1, clr1, clr2, clr3, pre4, clr4, j2, j4, k4;

//your code~~
initial begin
r0 = ~(R01 & R02);
r9 = ~(R91 & R92);

always @(negedge inputA) begin
pre1 = r0;
clr1 = r9;
case({pre1, clr1})
2'b01 : qa = 1'b1;
2'b10 : qa = 1'b0;
2'b11 : qa = ~qa;//toggle is the original result of jk

always @(negedge inputB) begin
j2 = ~qd;
clr2 = ~(r0 | r9);
if (j2 == 0 && clr2 == 0) qb = 0;//clr=0 means must clear it
if (j2 == 1 && clr2 == 0) qb = 0;//clr=0 means must clear it
if (j2 == 1 && clr2 == 1) qb = ~qb;//toggle

always @(negedge qb) begin
qc = ~qc;
clr3 = ~(r0 | r9);
if (clr3 == 0) qc = 0;//clr=0 means must clear it
else qc = ~qc;

always @(negedge inputB) begin
j4 = qb & qc;
case({j4, k4, pre4, clr4})
4'b0011 : qd = qd; //HOLD
4'b0001 : qd = 1'b1; //PRESET
4'b0010 : qd = 1'b0; //CLEAR

4'b1011 : qd = 1'b1; //SET
4'b1001 : qd = 1'b1; //PRESET
4'b1010 : qd = 1'b0; //CLEAR

4'b0111 : qd = 1'b0; //RESET
4'b0101 : qd = 1'b1; //PRESET
4'b0110 : qd = 1'b0; //CLEAR

4'b1111 : qd = ~qd; //TOGGLE
4'b1101 : qd = 1'b1; //PRESET
4'b1110 : qd = 1'b0; //CLEAR

assign QA = qa;
assign QB = qb;
assign QC = qc;
assign QD = qd;


and below is the testbench

module one_tb;
reg clk, r0, r9;
wire [3:0] Q;
one test (.inputA(clk), .inputB(Q[0]), .R01(r0), .R02(r0), .R91(r9), .R92(r9), .QA(Q[0]), .QB(Q[1]), .QC(Q[2]), .QD(Q[3]));

#5 clk=~clk;

    r0 = 1'b1; r9 = 1'b0; #3 ;r0 = 1'b0; r9 = 1'b0; #157; 
    r0 = 1'b1; r9 = 1'b0; #3 ;r0 = 1'b0; r9 = 1'b0; #37;
    r0 = 1'b0; r9 = 1'b1; #3; r0 = 1'b0; r9 = 1'b0; #97;


this is the pic of jk fkip-flop


  • I changed the JK-FF as modules instantiations, and now it works as intended:

    module jk_ff_example (/*AUTOARG*/
       // Outputs
       QA, QB, QC, QD,
       // Inputs
       inputA, inputB, R01, R02, R91, R92
      input inputA, inputB, R01, R02, R91, R92;
      output QA, QB, QC, QD;
      //..regs and wires declaration
      wire qa, qna, qb, qnb, qc, qnc, qd, qnd;
      wire r0, r9;
      //..r0 and r9 inputs comb logic
      assign r0 = ~(R01 & R02);
      assign r9 = ~(R91 & R92);
      // jk-ff logic
      jk_ff qa_ff (
          .preset_i (r9),
          .clear_i  (r0),
          .clk_i    (inputA),
          .j_i      (1'b1),
          .k_i      (1'b1),
          .q_o      (qa),
          .qn_o     (qna)
      //..qb jk-ff logic
      jk_ff qb_ff (
          .preset_i (1'b1),
          .clear_i  (r0 | r9),
          .clk_i    (inputB),
          .j_i      (qnd),
          .k_i      (1'b1),
          .q_o      (qb),
          .qn_o     (qnb)
      //..qc jk-ff logic
      jk_ff qc_ff (
          .preset_i (1'b1),
          .clear_i  (r0 | r9),
          .clk_i    (qb),
          .j_i      (1'b1),
          .k_i      (1'b1),
          .q_o      (qc),
          .qn_o     (qnc)
      //..qd jk-ff logic
      jk_ff qd_ff (
          .preset_i (r9),
          .clear_i  (r0),
          .clk_i    (inputB),
          .j_i      (qb & qc),
          .k_i      (qd),
          .q_o      (qd),
          .qn_o     (qnd)
      assign QA = qa;
      assign QB = qb;
      assign QC = qc;
      assign QD = qd;
    endmodule // jk_ff_example

    Here is the code of a JK-FF with Preset and Clear active-low inputs:

     * JK-Flip Flop with Preset and Clear inputs Truth Table
     *  Preset, Clear and CLK with active-low logic
     * -------------------------------------------------------------
     * | Preset | Clear | CLK | J | K | Output         | Qo  | ~Qo |
     * -------------------------------------------------------------
     * | 0      | 0     | x   | x | x | Invalid        | 1*  | 0*  |
     * | 0      | 1     | x   | x | x | Preset         | 1   | 0   |
     * | 1      | 0     | x   | x | x | Clear          | 0   | 1   |
     * | 1      | 1     | x   | x | x | No change      | Qo  | ~Qo |
     * | 1      | 1     | NEG | 0 | 0 | No change      | Qo  | ~Qo |
     * | 1      | 1     | NEG | 0 | 1 | Reset          | 0   | 1   |
     * | 1      | 1     | NEG | 1 | 0 | Set            | 1   | 0   |
     * | 1      | 1     | NEG | 1 | 1 | Toggle         | ~Qo | Qo  |
     * -------------------------------------------------------------
    module jk_ff (/*AUTOARG*/
       // Outputs
       q_o, qn_o,
       // Inputs
       preset_i, clear_i, clk_i, j_i, k_i
      input preset_i, clear_i, clk_i, j_i, k_i;
      output q_o, qn_o;
      //..regs and wires
      reg q = 0;
      //..jk ff w/ preset and clear logic
      always @ (negedge preset_i, negedge clear_i, negedge clk_i) begin
        case({preset_i, clear_i})
          2'b00: q <= 0; //..invalid
          2'b01: q <= 1; //..preset
          2'b10: q <= 0; //..clear
          2'b11: begin
            if(clk_i) // change
              q <= q;
            else begin
              case({j_i, k_i})
                2'b00: q <= q;  // change
                2'b01: q <= 0;  //..reset
                2'b10: q <= 1;  //..set
                2'b11: q <= ~q; //..toggle
      //..output assignment
      assign q_o = q;
      assign qn_o = ~q;
    endmodule // jk_ff

    The output of the simulation is this:

     [Cycle:   0] [Q value:  0]
     [Cycle:  10] [Q value:  1]
     [Cycle:  20] [Q value:  2]
     [Cycle:  30] [Q value:  3]
     [Cycle:  40] [Q value:  4]
     [Cycle:  50] [Q value:  5]
     [Cycle:  60] [Q value:  6]
     [Cycle:  70] [Q value:  7]
     [Cycle:  80] [Q value:  8]
     [Cycle:  90] [Q value:  9]
     [Cycle: 100] [Q value:  0]
     [Cycle: 110] [Q value:  1]
     [Cycle: 120] [Q value:  2]
     [Cycle: 130] [Q value:  3]
     [Cycle: 140] [Q value:  4]
     [Cycle: 150] [Q value:  5]
     [Cycle: 160] [Q value:  6]
     [Cycle: 170] [Q value:  7]
     [Cycle: 180] [Q value:  8]
     [Cycle: 190] [Q value:  9]
     [Cycle: 200] [Q value:  9]
     [Cycle: 210] [Q value:  0]
     [Cycle: 220] [Q value:  1]
     [Cycle: 230] [Q value:  2]
     [Cycle: 240] [Q value:  3]
     [Cycle: 250] [Q value:  4]
     [Cycle: 260] [Q value:  5]
     [Cycle: 270] [Q value:  6]
     [Cycle: 280] [Q value:  7]
     [Cycle: 290] [Q value:  8]
    End simulation
     [Cycle: 300] [Q value:  9]

    I have uploaded this as an example in this repository, I've included a Makefile in order to ease the simulation and FPGA synthesis, feel free to use it.