Search code examples

How to get Remaining Amount of Customer Deposits in Saved Search (includes SuiteScript code)

I need to get the Remaining Balance of all Customer Deposits linked to a specific Sales Order

Remaining Balance = the available/unapplied amount

Below, I will show you how I solved this in a saved search. As a bonus, I'll also include the SuiteScript 1.0 code to do the same.


  • To show the Remaining Amount of all Customer Deposits linked to a specific Sales Order record:

    Create a Transaction Saved Search as follows:

    • Criteria (Use Expressions)

      • ( Type IS Deposit Application AND
      • Created From Fields > Sales Order IS Sales Order #xyz ) OR
      • ( Type IS Customer Deposit AND
      • Created From IS Sales Order #xyz ) Saved Search Criteria
    • Results

      • Formula (Numeric) (Summary type SUM): CASE WHEN {type} = 'Customer Deposit' THEN {debitamount} ELSE -{creditamount} END Saved Search Results

    BONUS, SuiteScript 1.0 code to get Remaining Amount of all Customer Deposits linked to a specific Sales Order record:

    function customerDepositsRemainingBalance(salesorder_internalid) {
        var filters = [[["type","anyof","DepAppl"],"AND",["createdfrom.salesorder","anyof",salesorder_internalid]],"OR",[["type","anyof","CustDep"],"AND",["createdfrom","anyof",salesorder_internalid]]];
        var columns = [new nlobjSearchColumn('formulanumeric',null,'SUM')];
        columns[0].setFormula("CASE WHEN {type} = 'Customer Deposit' THEN {debitamount} ELSE -{creditamount} END");
        var search = nlapiSearchRecord('transaction',null,filters,columns);
        if(search == null) return 0;
        return Number(search[0].getValue(columns[0]));
    // Example Usage
    balance = customerDepositsRemainingBalance(3247434); // returns 50
    balance = customerDepositsRemainingBalance(3256644); // returns 0