I have the following transformations
<svg height="205" width="365" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <!-- Created with Method Draw - http://github.com/duopixel/Method-Draw/ --> <g>
<rect fill="none" height="207" id="canvas_background" width="367" x="-1" y="-1"></rect> </g> <g>
<g id="svg_3"> <path class="hinh1" d="m22,88.5a67.5,67.5 0 0 1 135,0l-135,0z" fill="none" id="svg_1" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.5" style="fill: rgb(92, 188, 214);stroke-linejoin: round;/* x: 100; *//* y: 100px; */"></path> <g transform="translate(-132.281 0)"><path class="hinh2" d="m207.0027,88.5a67.5,67.5 0 0 1 135,0l-135,0z" fill="none" id="svg_2" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.5" transform="rotate(180 274.503 54.7665) translate(0 70.8138) translate(0 -82.7702)" style="fill: rgb(214, 92, 188); stroke-linejoin: round;">
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="translate" from="0 0" to="0 56" begin="0s" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite" id="one">
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="translate" from="0 0" to="-185 0" begin="one.end" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite">
</g> </g> </g> </svg>
I want the right semicircle to go down THEN go left (not simultaneously) to snap to the left semicircle.
I found that, the following code does not work as I expect, only the second one is triggered. Isn't it the case that one.end
has no meaning here?
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="translate" from="0 0" to="0 56" begin="0s" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite" id="one">
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="translate" from="0 0" to="-185 0" begin="one.end" dur="5s" repeatCount="indefinite">
In addition, at the end of the animations, I want the right to stop for about 3s before repeating, how to do so?
Instead of using the to
and for
attributes you can animate between several values by using the values
attribute where the values for the transformation are separates by semicolons:
<svg height="205" width="365" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<rect fill="none" height="207" id="canvas_background" width="367" x="-1" y="-1"></rect>
<g id="svg_3">
<path class="hinh1" d="m22,88.5a67.5,67.5 0 0 1 135,0l-135,0z" fill="none" id="svg_1" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.5" style="fill: rgb(92, 188, 214);stroke-linejoin: round;"></path>
<path class="hinh2" d="m207.0027,88.5a67.5,67.5 0 0 1 135,0l-135,0z" fill="none" id="svg_2" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1.5" transform="rotate(180 274.503 54.7665) translate(0 70.8138) translate(0 -82.7702)" style="fill: rgb(214, 92, 188); stroke-linejoin: round;">
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" attributeType="XML" type="translate" values="0 0;0 56;-185,56" begin="0s" dur="5s" repeatCount="1" fill="freeze" id="one">