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C++ "Invalid use of 'this' in non-member function",

Below are the .cpp versions of my character class and its subclasses. I am trying to get the attack() function to work. I made some changes and the current error deals with "invalid use of ‘this’ in non-member function" in the adjustHP() function. In my main class, I am instantiating a Warrior object which the player plays as and the Goblin as an uncontrollable enemy.


character::character(double hp ,double atk, double defense, double speed){
    this->hp= hp;
    this->atk = atk;
    this->defense = defense;
    this->speed = speed;

double character::getHP() {
    return this->hp;

double character::getATK() {
    return this->atk;

double character::getDEFENSE() {
    return this->defense;

double character::getSPEED() {
    return this->speed;


Warrior::Warrior():character(hp,atk,defense,speed) { // Constructor
    this->hp= 50;
    this->atk = 50;
    this->defense = 50;
    this->speed = 50;

void Warrior::adjustHP(double adjustBy) {
    this->hp = this->hp - adjustBy;

void Warrior::attack(character* enemy) {


Goblin::Goblin() : character(hp,atk,defense,speed) { // Constructor
    this->hp= 60;
    this->atk = 40;
    this->defense = 40;
    this->speed = 40;

void adjustHP(double adjustBy) {
    this->hp = this->hp-adjustBy;

void Goblin::attack(character* playerChoice ) {


  • In goblin.cpp you defined adjustHP as a non-member function. It should have been:

    void Goblin::adjustHP(double adjustBy) {
    this->hp = this->hp-adjustBy;