I want to Read the text file which is uploaded in BitBucket through REST Api.
URL: https://{username}:{token}/bitbucket.org/rest/api/1.0/{path}.
This gives JSON of folder content. I wanted to read text file and to extract the content. How to do it?
In term of API, make sure to not use the V1, which is deprecated for BitBucket.
One API endpoint which returns the content of a file would then be /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/src
If the path matches a file, then the raw contents of the file are returned (unless the format=meta query parameter was provided, in which case a json document containing the file's meta data is returned).
If the path matches a directory, then a paginated list of file and directory entries is returned (if the format=meta query parameter was provided, then the json document containing the directory's meta data is returned).