I am trying to integrate Razorpay in my application. Here is a code that controls loading of payment model when "Pay Now" button is clicked. I want to make the modal load on page load instead of button click. I tried submitting form via javascript to see if that loads the modal but that's not working.
Here is the code:
<form action="verify.php" method="POST" id="gateway">
data-key="<?php echo $data['key']?>"
data-amount="<?php echo $data['amount']?>"
data-name="<?php echo $data['name']?>"
data-image="<?php echo $data['image']?>"
data-description="<?php echo $data['description']?>"
data-prefill.name="<?php echo $data['prefill']['name']?>"
data-prefill.email="<?php echo $data['prefill']['email']?>"
data-prefill.contact="<?php echo $data['prefill']['contact']?>"
data-order_id="<?php echo $data['order_id']?>"
<?php if ($displayCurrency !== 'INR') { ?> data-display_amount="<?php echo $data['display_amount']?>" <?php } ?>
<?php if ($displayCurrency !== 'INR') { ?> data-display_currency="<?php echo $data['display_currency']?>" <?php } ?>
document.getElementById("gateway").submit(); // Not working
<!-- Any extra fields to be submitted with the form but not sent to Razorpay -->
<input type="hidden" name="shopping_order_id" value="3456">
However, I also noticed that form actions to page verify.php
so if the form is submitted it will go to that page where I just want to load the payment modal. Hence, what I tried can just not be the solution.
I found the solution. Posting as it may be of help for someone in the future:
In razorpay/checkout/automatic.php (or manual.php)
place this right after the opening <form>
$(window).on('load', function() {