I'm registering some custom elements using customElements.define and would like to automatically set up traps on member accessors so that I can emit events when they change
class State extends HTMLElement {
public someValue = 1;
public constructor() {
console.log('State constructor');
const oProxy = new Proxy(State, {
get(target, prop: string) {
console.log(`GET trap ${prop}`);
return Reflect.get(target, prop);
set(target, prop: string, value: any) {
console.log(`SET trap ${prop}`);
return Reflect.set(target, prop, value);
customElements.define('my-state', oProxy);
const oStateEl = document.querySelector('my-state');
console.log(oStateEl.someValue = 2);
My browser doesn't seem to have a problem with the above code and I can see some trap output as the element is set up
GET trap prototype
GET trap disabledFeatures
GET trap formAssociated
GET trap prototype
But when I manually get/set values the traps aren't triggered. Is this even possible?
What I ended up doing was moving all member variable values to a private object and dynamically defining a getter/setter for each as soon as the custom element was mounted on the DOM like so...
class State extends HTMLElement {
protected _data: object = {}
public connectedCallback() {
// Loop over member vars
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this).forEach(sPropertyKey => {
// Ignore private
if(sPropertyKey.startsWith('_')) {
// Copy member var to data object
Reflect.set(this._data, sPropertyKey, Reflect.get(this, sPropertyKey));
// Remove member var
Reflect.deleteProperty(this, sPropertyKey);
// Define getter/setter to access data object
Object.defineProperty(this, sPropertyKey, {
set: function(mValue: any) {
console.log(`setting ${sPropertyKey}`);
Reflect.set(this._data, sPropertyKey, mValue);
get: function() {
return this._data[sPropertyKey];
class SubState extends State {
public foobar = 'foobar_val';
public flipflop = 'flipflop_val';
public SubStateMethod() { }
window.customElements.define('sub-state', SubState);
const oState = document.querySelector('sub-state') as SubState;
oState.foobar = 'foobar_new_val';
That way I can still get/set values on the object as normal, typescript is happy that the member variables exist, and I can trigger custom events when members are accessed - all while allowing custom elements to exist within the markup at DOM ready