A third-party service sends a negative value to the BigDecimal field in my service. I need to make it positive.
I re-read tons of information on BigDecimal in Spring, but couldn't find how to fix this. I don’t know if this can be done with the help of annotation that will automatically change the sign from negative to positive, or do I need to manually change the sign?
For example, my DTO:
private BigDecimal priceValue;
The value -14.50 always comes to me, and I want the result to be 14.50 with a "+" sign.
I read in the documentation that @Positive can be used - but this doesn't work for me.
I would say absolute value is your friend here:
just keep in mind that BigDecimal objects are immutable...
public foo()
BigDecimal num = new BigDecimal("-14.51");
System.out.println("Absolute value is " + num.abs());