I was trying onError for graphql mutations and realised that they don't work properly:
What else can be done for catching errors then? In a previous question, I was told that using try catch blocks for mutations is not a good idea.
I am trying to do something like this, with a possible workaround:
I ask user for an input, then run a query. Depending on the results of the query, I render some User
components. From the user component, I use the button to run mutations.
export const AddContact: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
const initialValues: FormValues = {
phoneNumber: '',
const [isSubmitted, setIsSubmitted] = useState(false);
const [userData, setUserData] = useState<UsersLazyQueryHookResult>('');
const navigation = useNavigation();
const validationSchema = phoneNumberValidationSchema;
const _onLoadUserError = React.useCallback((error: ApolloError) => {
Alert.alert('Unable to Add Contact');
}, []);
const [
data: addingContactData,
loading: addingContactLoading,
error: addingContactError,
called: isMutationCalled,
] = useCreateUserRelationMutation({
onCompleted: () => {
Alert.alert('Contact Added');
const onAddContact = (id: number) => {
variables: {
input: { relatedUserId: id, type: RelationType.Contact, userId: 1 },
const getContactId = React.useCallback(
(data: UsersLazyQueryHookResult) => {
if (data) {
if (data.users.nodes.length == 0) {
Alert.alert('No User Found');
} else {
const [loadUsers] = useUsersLazyQuery({
onCompleted: getContactId,
onError: _onLoadUserError,
const handleSubmitForm = React.useCallback(
(values: FormValues, helpers: FormikHelpers<FormValues>) => {
const plusSign = '+';
const newPhoneNumber = plusSign.concat(values.phoneNumber);
variables: {
where: { phoneNumber: newPhoneNumber },
if (!addingContactLoading && isMutationCalled) {
if (addingContactError) {
console.log('this is the error', addingContactError);
if ((addingContactError.toString()).includes('already exists')){
Alert.alert('Contact Already Exists');
Alert.alert('Unable to Add Contact');
return (
<User onAddContact={onAddContact} data={userData}></User>
export const User: React.FunctionComponent<UserProps> = ({
}) => {
if (!data) return null;
return (
onPress={() => onAddContact(Number(item.id))}
Generally the process works fine but when's there's a Alert.alert('Contact Already Exists');
error in the mutation, it creates a problem. For instance, after I close the error alert, and run a new query, I am supposed to get only the new User component (even though I am only running a query now, not a mutation). However, I also get the Contact Already Added
alert. In fact it pops up twice.
Maybe the problem is in the callbacks.
Using a .catch like this would work but is there no other way to do this? Since I am not using catch for the query, the code would become inconsistent.
.catch((err: any) => {
console.log('errror', err)
if ((err.toString()).includes('already exists')){
Alert.alert('Contact Already Exists');
Alert.alert('Unable to Add Contact');
You could use onError
callback instead of checking for addingContactError
property from the result directly on function body like shown below
const _onCreateUserRelationError = React.useCallback((error: ApolloError) => {
console.log('this is the error', error);
Alert.alert(error.message.includes('already exists') ? 'Contact Already Exists' : 'Unable to Add Contact');
}, []);
const [
data: addingContactData,
loading: addingContactLoading,
called: isMutationCalled,
] = useCreateUserRelationMutation({
onCompleted: () => {
Alert.alert('Contact Added');
onError: _onCreateUserRelationError
Note: Memoize the component using React.memo
to avoid unnecessary re-rendering of this component