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Currency symbol on wrong side

A price is being displayed in a RichTextBox. It takes a double value representing the price and displays it as a string.

double priceDisplayed = 0.00;
richTextBox_itemPrice.Text = priceDisplayed.ToString("C", new CultureInfo("en-AU"));

The above code results in the price being displayed with the currency on the RHS:


Why is this? Checking similar examples, it seems the code above should show the currency symbol on the LHS.


  • This is really strange, as mentioned in the comment, there must be some culture-clashes on your machine.

    In the meantime, you could try something like this on the event TextChanged:

    private void richTextBox_itemPrice_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string text = richTextBox_itemPrice.Text;
        if (richTextBox_itemPrice.Text.Contains("$")) 
            text = text.Replace("$","");
        richTextBox_itemPrice.Text = "$" + text;

    And initialize the field to have richTextBox_itemPrice.Text = "$";