Here is my div,
<div >
<div class="thumbnail text-center">
<a href="@Url.Action("Index", "Employees")">
<img src="~/AppFiles/Images/Tile.png" class="img-fluid img-thumbnail border border-success">
<div class="caption">
when I hover on div I want to change the src
of the img
to '~/AppFiles/Images/HoverTile.png'
, and in class="caption"
I want the color of text to change to white
Hopes for your suggestions
Add to your css file:
.thumbnail:hover {
// Write everything you want to happen after hover
same for 'caption' class
.caption:hover {
If you wanna do it with javascript and change the src:
<img id="my-img" src=""
onmouseover="hover(this);" onmouseout="unhover(this);" />
function hover(element) {
element.setAttribute('src', '');
function unhover(element) {
element.setAttribute('src', '');