java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/jsonwebtoken/Jwts
When I run locally with mvn spring-boot:run , there's no problem.
But when I package my application into a fully executable jar with mvn clean install and then run the jar as a systemd service, I get this error seen above.
It comes from this line:
String user = Jwts.parser()...
Some information: Version of this package that the issue occurs: 0.11.1 Platform: Ubuntu 18.04 Related dependency in maven pom.xml:
Also I checked the generated jar file, the dependency jjwt-impl.0.11.1 is there:
Don't know how to solve this. I thought just adding the io.jsonwebtoken to maven dependency would solve all things related to classpath etc..
Im applying spring-boot-maven-plugin package to create the jar and command mvn clean install to create the fully executable jar file.
When I printed out the classpath from within the jar application, it only points to that jar file itself, and nowhere else. Im not sure if that is how it should be. I thought all the dependencies should be compiled to that same jar, so in that sense it could make sense.
Also made an issue to official jjwt library here: But this might be a problem related more to spring-boot?
Got this fixed by updating maven package spring-boot-starter-parent from 1.5.2.RELEASE to 2.3.0.RELEASE version