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How use to_char in nvl()

V_MAX:=NVL(CREAR_DEPART(V_NOMB),TO_CHAR('the value is null'));


The function gives me a type number

How can I use nvl to get a value in varchar2?


  • That string already is a ... well, string, you don't to_char it.

    SQL> with test (v_nomb) as
      2    (select to_number(null) from dual)
      3  select nvl(to_char(v_nomb), 'the value is null') result
      4  from test;
    the value is null

    Or, in your case,

    V_MAX := NVL(to_char(CREAR_DEPART(V_NOMB)), 'the value is null');

    As you commented, function returns a number. Or - in order to capture it with a NVL - let it return null.

    SQL> create or replace function crear_depart(par_nomb in number)
      2  return number is
      3  begin
      4    return null;
      5  end;
      6  /
    Function created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on;
    SQL> declare
      2    v_max  varchar2(20);
      3    v_nomb number := 2;
      4  begin
      5    v_max := nvl(to_char(crear_depart(v_nomb)), 'the value is null');
      6    dbms_output.put_line('v_max = ' || v_max);
      7  end;
      8  /
    v_max = the value is null
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.