The definition of the problem is simple yet I wasn't able to find a simple or straightforward solution.
I have a background, made of several opaque layers:
I experience overdraw: every picture is drawing on top of each other. Every layer is dynamic so I can't just cut half of the sky or cut half of the mountain. However, 50% of the pictures are just one solid color + full transparency.
Question 1: what is the best practice of preventing background overdraw? Consider the simplest example: background sky (100% screen) + moving mountain (80% screen).
Question 2: some of the mountains are simple pictures - one opaque color, curved shape and the rest is full transparency. Should I keep using them as textures in sprites or I have to involve some practices to use it differently?
Overdraw is the problem for low-end devices and the best practice is to minimize the number of layers. However, something additional can be done.