I search for suitable service that I can use in this case:
open camera in video mode and stream it to the azure cloud.
and from other side listen to it (also clients).
I read about Azure Media services.
but according this I Understand that it is not allow from the client side.
does have other way to workaround or other service that I can use?
Can you share more details on the use case scenario? If I understand your request above, you are looking for a way to build an Android application that can use the local device camera and push the stream to Azure Media Services, and view it on another device? Is that the use case scenario?
That is certainly possible, but you would need an application that is capable of sending RTMP protocol. There are a number of 3rd party libraries out there that can send RTMP.
The article that you linked to was responded to by me, and what I was pointing out there is that you should try not to store any of your Azure Media Services account credentials inside a phone app. You should use a middle tier to authenticate the app user, and provide the app with the appropriate RTMP ingest URL for a Live Event.