I'm writing an XPath selector to select all the node name o:OLEObject providing that its ancestor is not w:del. but the nodes in w:del are included in the result. Can you help me to clear it? Here is my script:
publicList<String> getAllOleObjectId(XmlObject wobj) {
List<String> lstOfOleObjIds = new ArrayList<String>();
XmlCursor cursorForOle = wobj.newCursor();
if(cursorForOle != null) {
"declare namespace w='http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main' " +
"declare namespace o='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office' " +
while (cursorForOle.hasNextSelection()) {
XmlObject oleObj = cursorForOle.getObject();
Node oleDomNode = oleObj.getDomNode();
NamedNodeMap domAttrObj = oleDomNode.getAttributes();
return lstOfOleObjIds;
You should replace your XPath with :
Select OLEObject
element, child of any (*
) element, and which has no ancestor element named del